This article is really interesting and in case you don’t read it all, below is one of the paragraphs that stood out to me. It supports my belief that the body knows how to be healthier, even heal, when given the proper support. Many of us were raised to generally believe that “more is better”.

It seems this study indicates yet again, that that is not the case. Yet with that in mind, there are variables in the study that are not addressed.  It is difficult to account for each person’s sleep, nutritional state and quality of food consumption, health condition and emotional and physical environments.

Remember that everyone is different.  Your best guage is your own body, and your intuition.  It is your inner wisdom.  More is not better with supplements as they all must go through the liver.  The quality of the supplements is also very important.  Many are not absorbed and are excreted.  That is a huge waste of money and intention.   So choose supplements wisely.

On my website, under Products – My Favorite Products, you will find a link too Wellevate. It is identified the by blue and yellow in the box.  It is the respected resource that the professionals use.  The products pass a rigorous test in order to be offered and the turnover is high, so the quality is present.  I have made Wellevate available to my clients and website readers at no charge.  They have a wide assortment of supplements and personal care products.   Wellevate allows one to order at so many products from one source at a substantial discount.

Now all of that said, listen to your own body.   The synopsis of the study is below.  Information is power from which we make our own decisions.   Trust your intuition.

“Interestingly, a 2009 study showed that the widespread practice of antioxidant vitamin supplementation can actually interfere with this natural response. For the experiment, researchers divided human subjects into four groups: exercisers who took antioxidant vitamins; exercisers who did not; non-exercisers who took antioxidant vitamins; and non-exercisers who did not. Both groups of exercisers were healthier after a few months. But surprisingly, those who exercised without the antioxidant vitamins did best, probably, Mootha speculates, “because the rest of the cell, when it senses some of these sparks, adapts in a way that is beneficial to the organism”-and does so better than with vitamins, which appeared to interfere with the health-promoting stress of physical exercise.