Please note: There are other testimonials that are not posted.
3/18 Wales
All my observations were better than normal ie blood pressure and a few pounds gained!
I’m coming off the steroids so i will drop down to one tablet a day.
My nurse who saw me a few weeks back and escorted me to a bed as I felt so unwell (then), did not recognize me (now)! Told her about the fabulous Haelan and change in diet etc. Haelan:
Ive ordered the professional Biomat in the end after researching testimonials and the fact that this was your first preference.
Thank you for all your support
Andrea xx
NOTE FROM ADREA: Haelan and Biomat are ordered through me. I guide my clients on a complementary basis because it is important to know how to maximize the benefits of each.
3/18 New York (still healthy since 2015)
Hi Adrea,
Thank you for thinking about me and my health. I am very grateful forever for your empathy and integrity.
Yes indeed, Haelan is the best remedy and I would recommend it to everyone.
I took Haelan for around 18 months and it helped with my liver, my digestion, and also, it reduced my thyroid tumor by half.
Thank you for all you did for me.
2/18 England
Hi Adrea,
The Haelan is just amazing!! I’m out and about, have energy and feel like I can see the world through a clear head again. Can’t believe I had chemo on Wednesday!!! After weeks of feeling awful and laying on the sofa I’m now out driving again, had my horses out competing today and my friends and family cannot believe the difference.
My next points of call are what we discussed in consultation.
Thank you so much. I’m a happy bunny!
Andrea xx
February 2012 (still very healthy December 2017) Wales
We wish you a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Healthy New Year.
Another year has passed. All is well with us the latest blood results. They were normal again
We thank you once again for your support. We are truly grateful for all that you do for not only us, but other people around the world. It will be five years since I was diagnosed with the (terminal) liver (gland and bone) cancer in February 2012 and without your support and advice we would not have made it to enjoy another Christmas.
Keep up the good work that you do.
Our love and best wishes
David and Julia
10/14 New York
You have become one of my “angels”. The positive attitude that you relay, the reminders which I appreciate, and your passion are most helpful to me and are very much appreciated.
When I heard you speak I felt Haelan was for me. And I really believe Haelan is helping me already!
I can feel it!
2013 (still healthy and excellent 12/17) United Kingdom
To whom it may concern:
It is with great pleasure and sincerity that I write this letter of recommendation for Adrea Brier following my personal experience and dealings with her. I was diagnosed with colon cancer had major surgery to remove a part of my colon. I also had to have a hysterectomy to remove an ovary which also had a tumor growing on it and which had attached itself to my colon. During the operation they also discovered a tumor on my small intestine which was removed and checked. 30 lymph nodes were removed and tested and cancer cells were discovered in 2 of the nodes. The doctors wanted me to have 6 months of chemotherapy to ensure that the cancer was mopped up.
Following the prognosis I decided that I did not want to go down the chemotherapy route and thanks to my dear friend Dr Sellman I was introduced to Adrea Brier. We had a skype consultation and Adrea introduced me to Haelan and explained all about the benefits of Haelan.
I can not say enough to show my gratitude to Adrea for all her support and extensive knowledge on Haelan. I was able to ask so many questions which had been causing me a lot of anxiety. Adrea provide me with answers to all of my worries and concerns and she did this in the most caring and charming way.
Her knowledge of the product Haelan shows a great depth of understanding and wisdom which far exceeds the product alone and the greatest gift that she provides you with is that of empowerment. It is great to feel in control of ones health and that is only possible if one knows they are doing the right thing for overall health and well being which comes from well informed choices.
Adrea Brier is truly inspirational and a very sincere and giving therapist.
I am blessed that she has stepped into my life and I have no hesitation in my recommendation and support for all her work and commitment to holistic health.
Yours sincerely
7/15 Anne Canada
It has been about 9 months since I “met” you through ordering Haelan. In that time, were I younger, I could have been having a birth of a child about now; however, I have had the birth and development of a wonderful relationship which I value very much. You are more than a representative for Haelan 951 and Biomat. You are professional and very knowledgeable in both but you are more than that. Your frequent follow up shows that you care deeply about your “clients”. You reply to emails immediately both in reference to Haelan and Biomat and are very generous with your information. I am thankful for all the “extras” you have done for me. I especially appreciate your positive attitude and continuous support through this healing process. You have been one of my best supporters….someone I never met in person, but someone I know is passionate about what you believe and someone who is on a mission to help others. Somehow it seems that you follow up just at the right time, reminding me that all will be fine and I have the power to heal when I believe in myself. As you know cancer is not an easy journey to go through especially if one takes the conventional route.
Those of us who order Haelan through you are so blessed to have the ability to connect with the Company Haelan 951 should the need arise; between both you and the company the care and support is next to none.
In all my years I have never had the opportunity to be in touch with such approachable people that are in the “health care business”.
Haelan 951 is fortunate to have you as a representative and you are fortunate to represent a company that genuinely has the clients’ best interests at heart, but the biggest winners are people like me that need your help. I cannot express my gratitude to both enough times…..many, many thanks.
Anne F.
11/15 New York (she took Haelan to support her liver and didn’t have cancer)
Thank you so much . You are so dedicated. You make a difference in many people’s life,
and certainly in mine. I am very grateful, everyday.
2013 New York
To Whom It May Concern:
I began my health healing journey in 2010. Along this journey I have met great people but Adrea by far is a very special person to me. She is knowledgeable, caring and compassionate. She experienced first-hand cancer and used Haelen and the Biomat to heal herself. It’s been two months since I began taking Haelen and Adrea has been with me every step of the way.
What I find most unique about Adrea is she is not just selling another miracle health cure, she is giving me hope. She always finds time out of her busy schedule to follow up on how I am doing. One time I remembered she called me while she was out on a date. That speaks tremendous volumes about how dedicated Adrea is to support you to heal. Being a Cancer patient myself, I am extremely careful in recommending products or a services to people. I know I am dealing with someone’s precious life.
I’ve been very close to death myself because of one wrong turn in my health decision so I take that very seriously. I learned several important lessons when looking for cures for cancer.
One of them is, where you get your sources from is crucial. Finding good sources whether it comes from a doctors, articles or/and word of mouth is extremely important. Finding Adrea from Thriving Health and Wellness was a gem. She is incredibly knowledgeable and very well connected in the health and wellness arena. That’s the kind of person YOU MUST have guidingyou. If anyone reading this note has any doubt about Adrea’s services, I recommend you just give her a call. You will be soon writing a similar note expressing your gratitude towards Adrea. I am so grateful and better off today because of her.
With Adrea you get more than just an excellent product, you have a friend who is compassionate and determined to get your health back on track.
2014 Wales (still healthy 2018)
Dear Adrea,
Julia and myself were having a pow wow last night and discussing the happenings of the last year as it is nearly one year since the diagnosis that I had terminal cancer in the Liver, Bone and glands, and I was told that I had a few months left in this world. It was the lowest point of our lives and we will never forget the waves of despair and agony that came over us. As you know there was no positive input from my medical
practice only painkillers with which I was having problems and then the sickness which gave me more problems,
Julia and I decided to come off the drugs and we found a Holistic Cancer Centre where the positives
started to kick in. Things progressed well but I felt that I needed something more and that is when I
was recommended to contact you by Hazel Thomas. You introduced me to Haelen 951 which has taken me to a higher level again, having lost 50lbs of weight I have now put on 23lbs and this is due to the Haelen. It has also given me so much strength, so much that I can now mow my lawns and do DIY jobs
around the house. We have just returned from a 2 week vacation to Spain and I was walking 3 miles some days, I was reading an article about Piers Brosnan the actor in which he states as follows:
I have learned that of all the luxuries the world has to offer the most precious of all is time,
Time to watch the sunset, Time to be with the ones you love, Because there really isn’t very much of it
Julia and I would like to thank you Adrea from the bottom of our
hearts for the time you have given us, through your support and
advice, but most of all for introducing us to Haelen 951.
Thank you for being our friend.
Our love and best wishes
David and Julia
Would you like a health advocate?
I am your health and life coach, and integrative consultant in conquering cancer .
We have a team to support you.
I am here to help you to Live Your Life!, as a person successfully dealing with health challenges, not as a patient trying to squeeze in “living a life”. We each differ and need a personalized approach to our health. My objectives are to empower you so your life and health journeys are successful. I and my colleagues will support you.to retain or retrieve your health, whether you are working with conventional, integrative, complementary or alternative approaches.