Rescuing Hug
I love this story. We are part of a community and need the support from those around us. Our emotions are one of the strongest assets, or detriments, that we have in our health and daily happiness. The community can be one of our strongest assets. The “lens” through which we view ourselves and others can affect us on physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels. Let’s “color our world” beautiful and adjust our lens to see the best in others. You will be surprised by what occurs with that shift in lens and expectations.
This is a picture from an article called “The Rescuing Hug”. The article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Apparently, each was in their respective incubators, and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby’s heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal. Let us not forget to embrace those whom we love.
Chronic Dehydration Effect on Weight Loss, Detoxification, Blood Pressure, Heart Health, Sugar Cravings
Oftentimes a craving for sugar is sometimes actually a craving for water or more energy.Many people tend to be chronically dehydrated. I’d been informed years ago, that the book “The Body’s Many Cries for Water”, states that the water and sugar...
Is The Placebo Effect Real?
Is the placebo effect real? Or is it the body doing what it does best? What it does best is to heal and regenerate. When the body, mind and spirit are informed that it can heal, then, energetically, it can heal. And that is what the placebo effect is. It's...
The Cell’s Power Plant
This article is really interesting and in case you don't read it all, below is one of the paragraphs that stood out to me. It supports my belief that the body knows how to be healthier, even heal, when given the proper support. Many of us were raised to generally...
Managing immunity in resistant cancer patients correlates to survival
The study below is noteworthy. I have been taking this product since 2006. After six episodes of cancer, I remain healthy and strong. We know cancer can be chronic and we know additional episodes can be more virulent and often deadly. My objectives have...
Breast cancer risk markedly lower with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations
Background While numerous epidemiologic studies have found an association between higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations and lower breast cancer risk, few have assessed this association for concentrations >40 ng/ml. Objective To...
Can Sleep Keep Away Cancer, Disease And Aging?
Can sleep also lower weight and improve brain function? In our current world of "supermen and women", we operate on A+ and overdrive. People flaunt how little sleep they have as if it's a badge of honor. Is there something wrong with this picture? Science and secure...
Change Your View: Change Your Life and Relationships! Read on!
Are you aware that 1 and 1 often makes 3? We have each had this experience. We thought "x" about someone or a situation and learned later that our impression of them or the situation was inaccurate. It is human nature to be "meaning making machines". We interpret...
Would you like a health advocate?
I am your health and life coach, and integrative consultant in conquering cancer .
We have a team to support you.
I am here to help you to Live Your Life!, as a person successfully dealing with health challenges, not as a patient trying to squeeze in “living a life”. We each differ and need a personalized approach to our health. My objectives are to empower you so your life and health journeys are successful. I and my colleagues will support you.to retain or retrieve your health, whether you are working with conventional, integrative, complementary or alternative approaches.
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