A healthier employee is happier, feels better, interacts with co-workers more positively, is more productive and more reliable.
A healthier employee is happier, feels better, interacts with co-workers more positively, is more productive and more reliable.
Let’s work as a team, so the company, management and employees benefit. When employees are healthier, what are the ensuing benefits?
- healthier workplace relationships ensue
- team building spirit strengthens
- overall productivity and morale increase
- health care costs are lowered
- absences are reduced
- personal sense of satisfaction and well being increase.
As a result, management can:
1. be more effective with less effort
2. support a more “forward moving” path rather than damage control
3. increase bottom lines organically, rather than being undermined by unexpected health care costs, interpersonal disharmony and absences.In order to successfully survive, business must look at the “bottom line”. Health care costs are growing and already one of the highest, if not the highest, expense on the balance sheet. They are out of control and there is no end in sight.
Together, let us effectively address these issues by identifying:
1. What are the most time and cost-efficient ways to support employees’ and management health
2. How to achieve the goals of the employees and managers with efficiency and positive attitudes
3. How to provide a workplace that is conducive to long-term productivity, loyalty and stabilityIn addition to addressing specifics relative to your company and employee situation, I will provide you reasonably-priced health and stress reducing technology that is easy for everyone to use. We will:
1. address cooperative ideas and motivation
2. relaxation and stress reduction techniques
3. the possibility of on-going supportive programs
4. easy-to-implement and cost effective health information
5. non-distracting energy-healing techniques that can be done inconspicuously anywhere
6. positive approaches to interpersonal dynamics in the workplace and at home. It is important to consider bringing the home environment into the conversation since stress or harmony at home affects the work place.So what constitutes “winning”?
1. The bottom line increases in tangible and intangible ways when employees and management are healthier and happier.
2. Everyone wins including the families, stockholders, management, the employee and the business objectives overall.
3. The outcome then is the longer-term successful viability of the company, which affects everyone’s health and success.The circle very much goes round. It is prudent to strengthen what we do have as benefits and potential, rather than waiting for the system to have defects or worse, break. Let’s work as a team so everyone benefits.
See my blog on this concept. Here’s one idea being pursued in New York City. It is said that geniuses, like Einstein napped. Have you ever had a “catnap” and felt totally refreshed and recharged?I am here to supplement our other programs and focus, by discussing the possible creation of these wellness centers or rooms in the workplace. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/29/nyregion/napping-in-a-new-york-minute.html:
Would you like a health advocate?
I am your health and life coach, and integrative consultant in conquering cancer .
We have a team to support you.
I am here to help you to Live Your Life!, as a person successfully dealing with health challenges, not as a patient trying to squeeze in “living a life”. We each differ and need a personalized approach to our health. My objectives are to empower you so your life and health journeys are successful. I and my colleagues will support you.to retain or retrieve your health, whether you are working with conventional, integrative, complementary or alternative approaches.