Can you read body language? Can you feel what someone’s energy or attitude is telling you?
A person’s verbal and non-verbal body language, facial expressions and other non-verbal communications affect our health, emotional well-being and how we relate to one another.
These non-verbal messages pair with the person’s verbal communication. What is and isn’t “seen and heard” creates a more complete message to which our body, mind and intuition react. You might say they create an impression. Because the unspoken communications aren’t voiced, we and they have reactions that aren’t explained. We each react to the “unvoiced,” driving drives tensions and miscommunications, which then undermine relationships and positive solutions. This incomplete communication and reaction affects us physically, emotionally and energetically, whether we are conscious of reacting or not.
In our consultations, we will address the effects of, and solutions to, these complex spoken and often unspoken communications. We will empower you to understand both so you will have more effective ways of positively relating to others and achieving more successful outcomes. Importantly, others will relate to you more positively. The path will be paved for lowering harmful stress for yourself and in your personal and family life, and professional environments.
Would you like a health advocate?
I am your health and life coach, and integrative consultant in conquering cancer .
We have a team to support you.
I am here to help you to Live Your Life!, as a person successfully dealing with health challenges, not as a patient trying to squeeze in “living a life”. We each differ and need a personalized approach to our health. My objectives are to empower you so your life and health journeys are successful. I and my colleagues will support you.to retain or retrieve your health, whether you are working with conventional, integrative, complementary or alternative approaches.